All about CHICKENS! The Americana (aka. Ameraucana, Araucanas, Easter Egg Chicken) They lay green, blue, pink, and light brown eggs. The Americana (aka. Ameraucana, Araucanas, Easter Egg Chicken) They lay green, blue, pink, and light brown eggs. Anconas lay a white egg. Assorted Bantams – we get an assortment chosen by the hatchery. The picture is just to give you an idea of what they MAY look like. Assorted Cochins are the hatchery choice of standard sized Cochins. The assortment could include barred, black, blue, buff, golden laced, partridge, red, self blue, or silver laced & white cochins. Picture is just to give an idea of what they MAY look like. Barnevelders are an extremely rare breed. They lay very dark brown eggs. Barred rocks are one of Americana’s oldest breeds – an excellent dual purpose breed that they brown eggs. Black Australorps are one of the hardiest breeds. They lay a brown egg. Black Minorcas lay a white egg. Black Sex Links are a cross between Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks. They’re excellent layers of brown eggs. Buff Minorcas lay white eggs. Buff Orpingtons are large birds with a quiet disposition. They lay brown eggs. Columbian Wyandottes lay brown eggs. Cuckoo Marans lay the darkest brown egg. Delawares are medium sized, docile birds that they brown eggs. Dominiques are brown egg layers. Golden Laced Wyandottes are popular in cold weather areas since their combs don’t usually freeze. They lay brown eggs. Golden Sex Links are a cross between Rhode Island Reds and Rhode Island Whites that have been bred for high and efficient egg production. Brown egg layers. Iowa Blues are brown egg layers. Light Brahmas lay brown eggs. Naked Necks do not have feathers on their necks and have about half the amount of feathers on their bodies. They lay tinted colored eggs. New Hampshire Reds are a dual purpose breed that grows quickly and produces large brown eggs. Partridge Rocks are a medium sized bird with a quiet disposition. They produce brown eggs. Rhode Island Reds are the most popular breed that we sell for brown egg layers. Salmon Faverolles lay light brown eggs. Silver Laced Wyandottes are popular in cold weather areas since their combs don’t normally freeze. Welsummers are an extremely rare Dutch breed. They produce very dark brown eggs but not as dark as the Marans. White Leghorns are excellent layers of white eggs. Buckeye’s are an even shade of rich mahogany with some black in the wing & tail. They are good layers of brown eggs. Mottled Java – Black with some of the feather ending with V-shaped white tips. They’re good layers of large brown eggs. Partridge Wyandottes – Excellent layers of large brown eggs. Indian Red Jungle Fowl – Are an ornamental chicken. However, they do lay small tinted eggs. They average 250 eggs/year. Rhode Island Whites – Excellent layers of XL brown eggs. Spangled Russian Orloffs -Layers of medium sized brown eggs. White Faced Black Spanish Good layers of large white eggs. Speckled Sussex – Excellent layers of large brown eggs. Black Sumatras – Rich glossy black with greenish sheen. An ornamental bird that lays small tinted eggs. Only lays an average of 52 eggs/year. Blue Hamburgs – Excellent layers of small white eggs.